'Oh, this snail toy sure brings back a lot of wonderful memories. In Romania, we had a song we used to sing to every little snail that crossed our paths. And believe it or not, if they were hiding in their shells, they would come up once they “heard” the song (even though they have no hearing organ!)' -- Noelino Toys
There is something really magical about these creatures. You’ll see this magic in the water-based colours that have been used, but also in their wooden carved shells that resemble a real house!
Kids have such an incredible imagination and this snail toy will enhance that creativity. Even more, you can make learning fun again, as you can also teach them incredible facts about snails.
Such as:
- They have no hearing organ.
- They don’t make a sound! Nope, not even a squeak!
- They can retreat to their shell and remain that way – unknown, numb and in the dark, for months, during which time when they don’t drink or eat. Thus, they spend the winter enduring extremely low temperatures.
All of Noelino’s wooden toys are made of natural materials, inspired by Montessori and Waldorf’s self-paced and experimental approach to learning. They encourage unstructured play not only for your child’s physical health but also for their mental development.
Measurements: L: 10cm x H: 6cm x W: 3.5cm
Age Guide & Safety: Recommended for 3 years . We always advise that toys be checked prior to play and recommend adult supervision during playtime. Not suitable for children 3 years and over who still have a tendency to put things in their mouth.